
I actually think the "Rise/Age" two-parter is an entertaining bit of dumb fun (not really that good, but fun nonetheless), but its issues are kind of endemic of my issues with a lot of this era in general. Too much of Tennant-era Who is played up as too goofy; too many bad one liners, b-level action movie plots and

I enjoy this two-parter on a similar level to how I enjoy the Dalek two-parter next season; it doesn't really work as serious drama on most levels, but it's possible to have fun with it as the big, dumb b-movie that it is. Of course Who at its best is capable of so much more than that, but I do like a story like this

It doesn't always come together in a way that feels completely coherent, but I definitely feel that the Matt Smith era Who feels like a more interesting, ambitious show than some of the seasons directly preceding it. It sometimes manages to paint a fascinating portrait of the impossibility of the time traveler's

I just finished a rewatch of series 2 recently, and it's quite possibly the weakest season of New Who we've had to date. I found it something of a slog, though saying that I'm not a huge fan of the Tennant era in general. Half the episodes are average at best and awful at worst (New Earth, Tooth and Claw, Idiot's