You're gonna need a shovel and a necromancer for Ford.
You're gonna need a shovel and a necromancer for Ford.
Wasn't there a pro wrestling sitcom in the 80s about an ex football player who became a teacher and secret pro wrestler? It was terrible regardless of whether it existed or was a personal fever dream.
Meanwhile I still haven't gotten my digital copy for contributing to the Kickstarter.
I consider myself to be in the X/Y Cusp Generation since I don't really fit into either but share traits with members of both. Born in '77.
I'm uncomfortable with the idea of Google having a live open microphone on me at all times so I keep all of that shit (hopefully) turned off. They already know more about me through my searches and email than my own family does, they don't get to listen to me talk to myself too.
At least in Canada it will be broadcast on regular TV as well as Bell's streaming service.
There doesn't seem to be a solid definition of Millennial. I used to hear 1980 as the dividing line between X and the former Y, but lately I've been hearing as late as '85 is the divider. I think a lot of older Millennials just don't want the label and keep pushing it back.
Just put the juice from a fermented bag of garbage on a loaf of bread with a bit of lettuce and eat that instead. It's roughly the same experience.
I've always heard Millennial as 1980 through around '96 '97, but it seems to change all the time depending on who you ask. I was born in 1977 and consider myself a member of the X-Y cusp generation since I have traits of both but don't really feel I fit into either one.
It should be sitting in a pile of all the lettuce that has fallen off for true accuracy.
Smart people don't join Mensa. They take the test to see if they COULD join Mensa and then are too smart to pay an annual fee to be a member.
Generation Y is Millennials.
Shitty meat on too much bread with garbage sauce? No thanks.
I made it to 36 before ever trying Taco Bell. You chose wisely.
Yeah, as good as Smackdown Live booking has been, they should hire that guy for the creative team.
I'll take one Leva Bates as Sister Abigail please.
The loads of sour cream and onion ones are my favorite chips. I find ketchup chips vile though. If they made loads of salt and vinegar chips my heart would probably explode.
I hate that every time a show uses the Roanoke story as a backdrop they mention the missing white folk and the completely mysterious not at all easily explainable mystery of what croatoan means but they never mention the even bigger mystery of where all those white skinned, English accented Indians on Croatoan Island…
Because people got really tired of "off speed stuttering video effect" ghost
That's what I was thinking. I figured most of Patterson's books were written with find & replace and cut & paste anyway, ,What's one more?