
Eh, anyone who's been following this has probably seen some actual footage, seeing as an entire trailer leaked a long time ago.

The flashback is the meat of the book, the stuff that matters and the story he wanted to tell.

I find the word gay weird in this context. But straight might be too.

The most adorable serial killer out there.

I would recommend one of his shows, not his podcast.

I can tell you what goes through a mind like that.

Sounds weird, yeah, but I can't think of another reason.

They probably don't have the rights.

The stunt casting aspect of it can be seen as an homage to the film, which did the same. Or it at least kind of can be seen that way.

I knew about it because they promoted it so heavily, but if I hadn't followed any of that stuff, I would not have know who she is.

The vast majority seems to agree with you and normally it wouldn't bother me to that I'm the weird one for loving the show, but I do think in this case it'll mean he will return to something closer to older stuff and I really liked this new approach. The lengthy story about the ape is one of the best things he's done

Funny stuff.

Oh shit, this isn't for me. Why did no one tell me before I watched it?

Look cool and I think the film will be phenomenal.

His comic book Freak Show traumatized the hell out of me. My dad gave me weird stuff to read…

I'm outraged.

Okay, that's slightly better. I still won't really be on board with it though.

I have never watched an entire episode of Key and Peele and didn't have any specific expectations, this was just a random film I picked on Netflix.

As soon as they go all into war/spandex/fighting superhero mode, I imagine I'll stop watching. So I hope they don't go there.

Lynch is directing every episode I believe. I doubt it'll be middle of the road in any way.