
I'm not saying women shouldn't say those things, just that many tend not to extend the same understanding towards men when they comment on things like height or hair

Two wrongs don't make a right

Translation: waaaaaaa waaaaaa

How dare he

Yes and no. No as in no bad go to your room

I want to see the chicken nugget massacre thing now

Like he did in that episode of Dollhouse? You know the one. No? Ok

Megan Fox sssshhhhwwwwiinngggg

I'm sorry you don't find this to be banal?

Going throw a pretty fallow period? Yes I can see you are having problems

Same guy

You are probably onto something. He pretty much taunted me with this, then changed the comment to cover his tracks. He's trying to make me look crazy and unreasonable by suggesting I made a fake profile because we were arguing.

He thinks it's funny. He's an idiot

You know two can play at this game, fake profiles aren't that clever

My Korea girl!!!!

Man she's hot wooooo!!

Bbc huh?

I'll check this out because I love friends, even though it's utterly banal and base!!

ugh nevermind

I like Bernie and I think Hes better because Hillary is a woman