Harvey Dent

I mean, whether we like it or not, there's a lot of little hidden points in who wins between these two. One has a nearly all black cast, a black director, was made for nothing and made the least amount of money at the box office. The other is about Hollywood, made a lot of money, takes a black derived music and puts

The bad stuff happening isn't unrealistic, though

He has attacked people for far dumber things. Every thing should be on the table with him.

is that because it prevents the autism caused by vaccines

I will keep my language toned down, but I am told that Rob Schneider wants to have intercourse with a goat.

Frank Ocean and Solange on the same day? Hmmmmmmmmm.

Just give it a shot

The songs are pretty damn enjoyable, if not super amazing or anything. Really dug the random Hannibal Buress moments also.

A setting I 100% understood, the constant tension, the acting, etc

I thought Seat at the Table was better too, I have no qualms

A dead crowd can really kill an event is all I'm saying. Look at Punk/Cena from Money in the Bank. Having an insane crowd really lifted the quality of that match

I know this

The Tigers are doing a game.

So is the AVC not doing Solange's album?

The third point has been shot down to death at this point. One, he got shot. Two, he was emotional as all hell at that point and was nowhere near in the right mindset for a fight. Three, at no point is it established that he has a ton of training. He basically fights with emotion and likely hasn't had his skills

WWE Hall of Famer you're speaking of right now

But Steph isn't fucking wrestling The Undertaker at Wrestlemania or Brock Lesnar in general, and lpoking like a real threat.

Let me make a point about Smackdown vs Raw, just for one second…

At least he's got wrestling to fall back on.

I put a list here! But re-listening now and see your point