Almost knocked you down for praising the utterly atrocious Last Stand, but Speed Racer is great so I'll accept it. Speed Racer seems like it should be a cult classic by now since it always gets a lot of random praise when someone mentions the movie.
Almost knocked you down for praising the utterly atrocious Last Stand, but Speed Racer is great so I'll accept it. Speed Racer seems like it should be a cult classic by now since it always gets a lot of random praise when someone mentions the movie.
Jackie Brown is one I'll mention. It's very well reviewed (87% on Rotten Tomatoes), but virtually ignored when people talk about great movies in the 90s or Tarantino's best work. I still prefer Inglorious Basterds and maybe Pulp Fiction, but Jackie Brown is greatness.
It deserves a B+!
Yes Mike Huckabee, it's okay to have sexual thoughts about another man
Is this the first since the Palestinian Chicken episode?!
Not here in Michigan
He lost the ear protectors he had in There's Something About Mary and lost all motivation
"defending Woody Allen's Anything Else"…
He has literally just met with people about getting money for 3 fucking episodes. I am tired of seeing the same goddamn scene over and over and over.
I have, and it seems true to me. This episode was an improvement, but Vince Vaughn's character is still going nowhere.
Yes but they were also outnumbered big time and wiped out at least 30-50 people while only about 6 of them died.
Hey it's that guy that loves everything the show does regardless! I liked season 1 a lot by the way, this season, sans the shootout, is just a meandering mess.
I hope you realize Natural Born Killaz is now playing in your room
Spoilers: They aren't this good at killing cops ever in fiction or the real world. Even in End of Watch they could only kill one.