Only Zuul.
Only Zuul.
So there must have been an initial timeline where Wylis was never Hordor but still went on the journey with Bran and everything turned out the way it does? I guess the White Walkers were always drawn to the Tree because of Bran's interference then. But where did Bran go that time? It looked like he was at the Tree…
Maybe, I'm definitely not evolved enough to know for certain. GoT however isn't Real Life.
The Hodor time-loop thing raised some interesting questions about fate and prophecy in the world of GoT. Is everything predestined? Are they stuck on a path which can not be altered? Is Bran able to affect the outcome of the GoT by changing the past? Have I watched Terminator 2 once too often?
"Cranston’s johnson looms over the sweating senator".
There's a lot of furious things happening really fast.
Put on your red shoes and dance the blues.
Did he at least thank the computer in his acceptance speech?
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They don't. All the voice acting would have been recorded ages ago, like probably right after, if not during, principal production was wrapped. The only way I could see something like this happening is if there was someone completely incompetent in-charge of the film or this is old news that is just getting out now.
I think a better metaphor would have been "helplessly pulled, Death Star tractor beam-style". Transporters don't actually pull anything.
Andy Serkis will be doing the mo-cap and Weta will be doing the animation.
I skipped the book 6 by accident, finished the series, and didn't even realize it until I saw it in a store one day. It was weird because book 5 ends with them going through a portal and book 7 starts with them coming out of one so nothing seemed amiss to me.
Nothing, King's just a 21st century schizoid man.
I'm too young to be in Gen X and too old to be a Millennial. I hate them both. Where's my tv show?
I want to watch Alien Vs Jesus.
Set it in space with killer robots and I think you've got something there.
Well obviously LJG, Transgendered people and their supporters disagree with you and North Carolina.
He's satirizing internet commentators so Matt Groening has no legal recourse.
How is what she did cryptic? Sure it's largely symbolic but burning a piece of paper issued from a State that's using it to dictate that it knows you better than you know yourself is a pretty clear statement.