
Yeah, sure. Burden of proof falls on you to justify the claims you're making. You can't deliver them and I'm the one who doesn't know what they're talking about. Not dismissive at all.

You've met Jesus? How's he doing? Do you think you could ask him about getting me some nice home brew wine? I have a crate of Avion I could donate to the cause.

Prove that you're not just here to feel the rush of righteous indignation. Show us where you're getting this information, that Muslims are, statistically speaking, prone to religious violence. How would you even judge that without a comparison to other religions? If 5% of those who follow Islam decided to take up arms

I suppose you have documented stats for how many Christians vs Muslims are involved with and condone violence for religious reasons? What we see in the news headlines aren't good enough to make the assertions you are making. For example I hear about more violent acts being committed by Christians than Muslims. Does it

I think it's what caused the electromagnetic discharge which crashed Oceanic Flight 815.

It just so happens that your friend here is only MOSTLY dead.

I thought FEMA was evil and the Government was using their Weather Dominator to create tornadoes so they could round people up into concentration camps?

Christians kill people all of the time too, what's your point? Muslims are no more violent than any other person with a belief system based on bad fiction. Besides that's got nothing to do with what the reviewer was talking about.

I was really hoping for a Quantum Leap crossover. Fingers crossed for next week!

When I was a kid we called a mix like that "Swamp Water", because it looked and tasted like swamp water.

So when's Disney/Marvel going to sue Hulk Hogan for copyright infringement?

I love the Hulk Hogan Ultimate Grill™. I cook shrimp and steak, it's done quickly, there's enough for everybody. Take it to the beach. Take it to a cabin. The clean up is so simple and easy. It's the Ultimate Grill™.

Yes Ma'am.

I watched it on Netflix. But I live in Canada so either way I'm not a real person.

… yes.

“Kara turns on her friends and the citizens of National City after being exposed to Red Kryptonite makes her malicious and dangerous.”

And so we shall…


No Way!

You have to start with the Extras and work your way up. Once you make it Featured Day Player then everything just kind of works itself out.