
Based on Gene Hackman and Steve Martin, I'd say the best way to look good when you are older is to look old when you're young. Steve Martin had white hair when he was in his 30s, he just grew into it.

"I've had just about enough of your Vasser bashing, young lady!"

I don't know if he cared one way or another. It probably comes from a combination of his giving Leni Riefenstahl an especially warm welcome when she visited Hollywood and his commitment to union busting.

"Myeah, do what we say or we'll insult your sense of style, see!"

What did you think you were made of before?

Jennifer Crittendon wrote four of my favorite episodes of television: And Maggie Makes Three, The PTA Disbands, The Package, and The Little Jerry.

The story of his screwing over the other producers of the Tracy Ullman Show out of the money that was rightfully theirs is disgusting.

The story of his screwing over the other producers of the Tracy Ullman Show out of the money that was rightfully theirs is disgusting.

I have to say I was really disappointed in Selleck after that. I know I wouldn't agree politically with Mr. Selleck, but I'm very fond of his acting and thought he was a man of honor.

Ah, okay. From the Ultimates earlier this year. I didn't recognize them.

I'm not sure who the four characters on the left are, as I believe they will be introduced/identified in this issue. Regular cast members are Red Hulk (Robert Maverick), Iron Patriot (Toni Ho), Enigma, Squirrel Girl, Captain Britain, Guillotine (French anti heroine), Ares, Excalibur (Dr. Faiza Hussain), and Outlaw

Apparently Ewing wasn't allowed to use Ross for some reason.

I think you mean Hulk, friend.

Heh, fruitful. I see what you did there.

Let's not be sexist. The Myers Briggs test was concocted by unqualified women. Sisters are doing it for themselves!

Or Marvin Suggs and his Muppaphone

We really need some new showrunners. Matt Selman's episodes have been pretty good, but he only makes about four a year. I love Al Jean and all he's contributed to television (ALF, the Critic, Simpsons Season 4) but he needs to bow out gracefully.

I like all the Homer/Scorpio bits from that episode. The parts dealing with Bart, Lisa, and Marge are all incredibly dull.

Itchy and Scratchy and Poochie is definitely the best episode of the 8th season, with only Homer vs. the 18th Amendment coming close. But as I've said before, I don't like the 8th season. That's right, come at me!

You'll shoot your eye out, Beema.