Really, it would be easy. After all, when Robert McFarlane first went to negotiate with the Iranians, he brought along a chocolate birthday cake (from a kosher bakery no less) and a Bible with an inscription from President Reagan. Because if there are two things Mullahs love, it is chocolate and Bibles.
In fairness, a lot of the groundwork was laid in the Carter administration. Deregulation, especially of the savings and loan industry, began during his administration. Carter is also the one who ended detente after the Soviets invaded Afghanistan.
"El Salvador is Spanish for Vietnam"
The Sandanistas definitely should have stayed in power, but Daniel Ortega has since shown himself to be a rather unpleasant person. Between the corruption and the accusations about his private life, I'm left wondering if he would have improved Nicaragua even if the US hadn't interfered.
Republicans only care about civil liberties after they've been indicted.
I'm just impressed North survived his hitch in 'Nam with the chickenhawks.
What a great plan!
I'm what they call high functioning, which always sounds like I'm bragging. I can look people in the eye, I can empathize with people, I can express emotions, and I get sarcasm (through people can't always tell when I'm using it.) I had immense trouble with fine motor skills and spatial relations (I was in fourth…
K-Mart sucks.
The Count is actually based on real vampire lore. A way to escape vampires is to fling seeds or pebbles in front of them; vampires are compelled to count each individual piece.
You better run, Egg!
Prime, I think. It was only three years after Tombstone. It also has Michael Douglas in a badass role.
Except for the light treason. And Monster-In-Law.
Aw man, the just added Soapdish last month! I had forgotten just how great that movie was (if unfortunately transphobic). Oh, uh, SPOILERS, I guess.
You can get your Kilmer fix from Ghost in the Darkness. I thought it was pretty good.
Keven Kline was great as Fairbanks, as he usually was in that era.
The movie tries to cram everything about the man's life into the movie, which seldom works. They also rather soft peddled his fondness for young girls. Also, the mostly unnecessary framing sequence about writing his memoirs.
Three Amigos wasn't rated R.
D'oh. I meant Empty Nest. It's amazing now, but for a long time NBC not only had original programming on Saturday nights, but wildly successful programming.