
There's nothing likable about Noah or Alison, yet inexplicably I still really like this show. Noah is a narcissist. Alison is only with him because he was a port in the storm.

I'm only watching if there's some glowing blue Manhattan dong in every episode.

The Killers' "Enterlude" and "Exitlude" qualify as well.

I don't have a problem with it, if indeed artists like…oh I don't know…Blitzen Trapper are able to get a decent percentage from Tidal.

He did say it like 17 times.

Not that this really matters, but in the real world there is only a very small chance that a kid like Chuckie would actually do any time in juvenile detention.

I thought Amanda was great, but then Lip likes to kick girls to the curb who help him further himself.

I'm pretty sure all sales have have already been halted voluntarily as it's not the summer of 2013 anymore.

Original? I guess not at this point. Cool? Debatable. Funny? You're goddamn right.

You lost me at "Boyz N The Hood hasn't aged well."

I just kinda wish they would have slow-played the arrival of Kristen Schaal a little longer…at least into episode 2.

Why wouldn't you? It's pretty much instinctual to go for the wipers when other liquid (e.g. rain) starts hitting it.

That episode was an A+. When you can blend humor with suspense like that and make it work, it's a beautiful thing.

Fuck you so hard, JimmyJackSteve

I'm not sure how they were supposed to come back from last season, which was phenomenal, but this episode was underwhelming.

Cherry: my super mommy intuition kicks in that something's wrong once I read a note from the person with whom you're having an affair.

I was raised in a strictly Christian household and this was the first song I ever heard by Pearl in late 1994. It was like a light of devil music awakened in me and I never looked back.

Look, I don’t work with kids, but I gotta say: demanding a potentially abused child confess the identity of the accused abuser right in front of that accused abuser doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.
Yeah, I do work with kids. That's not how it's done at all. Not that this show is meant to be believable, but the way

That was probably the best job of incorporating flashbacks into the show to develop a character that I've seen so far. Abraham essentially put his grieving/suicide on pause to save the world. Understandably, that shoe dropped very hard.

"Dead-eyed" is the way Jesse described it a couple of times.