Ricky, Bubbles & Julian

Man it's hard to watch this show anymore, I just have so much time invested in it to give up. Gemma is atrocious, kill her off. If you FF thru every scene with her in it you can make it thru in about 6 minutes, that's how much screen time she gets. I certainly believed that juice couldn't easily rassle a gun from her.

But working girl inspired me to be anything I wanted to be

I had the same feeling at the end of this episode that I had at the end of the first season of the following: "don't care either way if this show comes back". They probably worn put that quote in their season 2 promo materials

Linder storyline is useless. Wastes valuable time on unimportant goings-on. The brother of killer line was pretty worthless also. I want galvan hank cross Marco Eleanor and that's about it. Not a mumbling slob and his hot Mexican girlfriend

Gemma is just horrible and I mean that as they insert her into everything. She is not so important that she needs to be included in every plotline. Her bad-ass demeanor is so boring and putrid it's hard to even watch her scenes without FF'ing