Cornelius Thoroughgood

Man, it's been so long since I read The Black Fleet Crisis, I had forgotten about the details of it. I just remember watching the prequels and being a little weirded out that those books' version of Luke's mom had basically nothing to do with what ended up being in the movies.

Is this a good place to talk about how awesome the Super Star Wars trilogy games were for SNES? They have next-to-nothing to do with the EU, but they are just freaking amazing games that time has somewhat forgotten.

Just about to say the same thing. Rogue Leader was the first game to really capture the feeling of being in the movies for me. It's so freaking great. And also very difficult, if I remember correctly.

You mean the Thrawn trilogy or the Luke-searching-for-Mama-Skywalker trilogy? Because I kind of remember the latter to be kind of wonky… is that also the one where Lando and co. find the ship that heals itself?

Hell yeah, Thrawn trilogy! I read so many of the post-RotJ books back before the prequels really blew the EU wide open, chronologically. Anyone else remember the weird trilogy where Luke searches for his mom and discovers she's still alive in like some obscure galactic cult? There is some seriously strange,

Regarding the Hatch not being the Hatch yet: I have a vague memory of some bonus content on the 1st season DVDs that included an interview with someone involved with the show who said that they ("they" being Lindelof and Cuse) didn't come up with what was inside the Hatch until the end of Season 1. I can't remember

Best album by a kickin' guitarist with artificially gray hair?

The Against Me! record is fantastic, and that Protomartyr cover is going to give me nightmares. That is all.

Aw, shit, how did we all forget Bob's Burgers?? Man, what a fantastic show. Favorite musical moment this year: "Farts Are Liberty," or whatever that song is actually called.

Rev. It's not my absolute favorite show of the year (that would be either Louie or Mad Men), but since nobody has mentioned it yet, I just want to point out what a quietly beautiful season (and probably series finale) that show had this year.

I like the new Strands of Oak album okay, but I haven't fallen for it like the rest of the AVC commentariat. "Goshen '97" is pretty good, though.

It may be a little premature to say this, but I honestly think Benji is one of the greatest singer-songwriter albums of all time. Like, seriously, I'd rank it up there with like Freewheelin' Bob Dylan and stuff. "Jim Wise" is a mini-masterpiece. It hits me like a truck every time.

"Digital Witness" is probably my pick, too, but two close runners up:

Hm… I'm intrigued by this. I'll be honest: I haven't seen Attack of the Clones in years, so I don't have anything really intelligent to add, although I do remember disliking the film while also feeling like the hoards of people who hate it were underrating it a little. I'd have to give it a rewatch to say more. Thanks

Can you explain that a little more? I'm genuinely curious what you're referring to. Unless, of course, you're being sarcastic, in which case ignore this comment completely and ostracize me forever *hangs head*



Okay, admittedly, that was pretty creepy.

Man, so true. Claire really didn't pan out. *MO' SPOILERS* The worst was that when they finally brought her back in the last season after her season-long disappearance, she was the laziest Rousseau-lite of a character.

It's not a classic moment or anything, but I've always enjoyed Sawyer's attempts to open the case. I also remember those underwater corpses freaking me out the first time I saw this. Otherwise, yeah, not Lost's finest hour.