Cornelius Thoroughgood

That is absolutely wonderful news.

Excellent. Thanks! Looks like I, along with about 1/3 of America, will be getting it August 15. I can live with that.

Well, thankfully we've got one of those where I live. Of course, we still haven't gotten The Immigrant, so there's that.

Anyone know if this is going to get a wide release? Or am I going to have to wait for the DVD? Because if I have to wait, I might just die.

I'm really rooting for The Bridge this season. It had so much promise last year but got bogged down by the overblown (though admittedly fun) killer investigation stuff. Here's hoping S2 will make great TV out of the awesome, awesome potential of its premise, setting, and cast.

Nope. Same here. I get so restless, too, and I stop paying attention to the show.

I can't think of a better way to make watching Netflix unfun. It's like reverse Tom Sawyer and the fence.

This was just delightful.

I've never watched Six Feet Under, but I sure do love that song. Probably BECAUSE it is saccharine and overwrought.

Yeah, same here. But it was at least closer than A Momentary Lapse of Reason.

I've seen very few Michael Bay films (the first Transformers, Armageddon, and Pearl Harbor, none of which I liked), so I'm not exactly an expert on the guy. But I don't think the video is saying that his films aren't 17-layer dips of horrible things; it's just pointing out that his movies aren't the only 17-layer dips

Ambient and instrumental! This is good. One of my main problems with The Division Bell is the lyrics, so doing away with the words might help make for a good album. Maybe.

TDB is a lot closer sonically, but its lyrics feel painfully sterile compared to the band's classic '70s period.

You know, considering Michael Bay's filmography is apparently as atrocious as critics claim, it's kind of mind-blowing that this new Transformers movie has inspired more film criticism than pretty much any other movie this year.

I for one welcome our new cube overlords.

This is true. Season 2 also has its share of ridiculousness, so I'll be the first to admit that there's not an exact science to my preferences. But even with bottomless holes, etc., Season 3 doesn't quite have the meticulously quick pace of later Simpsons seasons, and I'd still argue that it doesn't stretch the show's

It's not so much that I have a problem with the joke-a-minute style, exactly. I just don't enjoy it as much as the slower style of the earliest seasons. But even then, I'm kind of comparing chocolate ice cream to brownies—I'd be severely disappointed in a universe without either. I'm with you, for the most part; as

Season Dickety-Three was quite good. "The Book Job" is one of the better Simpsons episodes in the past decade.

Count me as one of those people who prefer the earlier, more "realistic" seasons of The Simpsons. It's not so much that the parameters of Springfield are smaller or whatever. I just enjoy how much slower and more natural-feeling the overall show has. It's definitely a cartoon and embraces that cartoonishness, which