Cornelius Thoroughgood

There are better episodes of The Office, but in my book, these two are the funniest the show ever did.

"As a film, 'Elevator' would be terrific. As television, it’s grand."

I won't say that either of them are up to the standards of those movies, but isn't that a little like being down on Help! because it isn't Abbey Road? It's not a medium-bursting masterpiece, but it's a damn enjoyable work all the same. Good is good for me.

Come on, I thought Brave was at least pretty good, and Monsters University was close to great! MU especially, I've never understood the lukewarm reception to. It was charming, fast-paced, character-based, and kind of groundbreaking in the end (like, Mike Wazowski finds out that it's basically impossible to fulfill his

Second-to-last shot of the episode, with Don Draper's face when Bert disappears behind the closing door. THIS SHOW, Y'ALL!! Oh yeah, and fuck you, AMC and your midseason hiatuses (hiati?).

You're probably right that most bands follow that trajectory. But there's a pretty sizable group of bands that took a while to hit their stride. Pulp, Rush, The Flaming Lips, Pink Floyd, and Sonic Youth are all bans that hit their critical and commercial peaks well into their careers. None of them would particularly

I second the love for "Married With Children" and its perfectness as a quiet closer to a noisy album. Another thing that's great about it is its deceptiveness; it's a pretty bitter song, lyrically, but the music is anything but. A nice bit of irony there.

There's a really interesting quote from either Liam or Noel (can't remember which, and even with the Internet at my fingertips, I'm too lazy to look it up). Basically, he says that if Oasis had made their albums in the reverse order (Dig Out Your Soul first, Definitely Maybe last), people would think they were so much

I agree. There's a really good album buried inside Be Here Now. Granted, it's an album that's at least twenty minutes shorter, but a good album nonetheless.

I've never understood people preferring (What's the Story) Morning Glory? over Definitely Maybe. Definitely Maybe has so much more energy and personality, and it just rocks hard. Plus, I'll be damned if "Rock 'n' Roll Star" isn't one of the best opening tracks ever. Morning Glory is good and all, but it's never held a

Oh, "Magic" goes down easy for sure. That's what I like about it. It's catchy and fun while still being complacent and smooth. I know that sounds like a backhanded compliment, but it's not. I seriously love that song.

"It’s unlikely that many people were clamoring for a demure Coldplay record."

Geez louise, why the hell is everybody shitting on Sonia? The conversation format is not the best, but come one, that's not an issue with Sonia's writing.

Things I was not expecting from this season of Mad Men: an episode with a legitimately moving Bob Benson storyline. And that's just one good thing from "The Strategy." What a great episode.

Yeah, those early Ultimas can be kind of byzantine. I think Ultima I is a ton of fun, though. There's a really appealing DIY aspect to those early Ultimas that I find super charming. Like, who else but Richard Garriott would have put a real-time space combat mission in a D&D-based fantasy game?

I'm a huge fan of the Ultima series, to name one. And I do, although I don't make enough of an effort to stay cutting edge to claim to play truly "current" IF. I don't know that I've played an IF game released after 2010. I do have a lot of love for some of the classics from the modern era, like Spider and Web,

Anyone who likes old computer games and/or interactive fiction. It's easy to find someone who likes, say, NES stuff, but PC games of the same era? And Zork? That's a different breed.

As soon as I saw Stephanie show up, I knew this would be a heartbreaker of an episode. I just didn't expect it to come from Ginsberg. The whole thing was weird as shit, sure, but it was also strangely affecting for me, too. Like, it made me seriously sad. Dang it, Mad Men.

I wish I found random french fries in my pockets. That's a pretty cool superpower of Bob's.

Yeah, my main problem with it isn't that they change grades but that they act like the old reviews never happened. It makes it look like they're trying to revise history rather than state a change of opinion.