Cornelius Thoroughgood

I think I said this in the comments for last episode's review, but that's my biggest problem with the Julia/Joel storyline. They're turning Joel into a completely different character to make it work. He's never been that guy.

Did anyone else facepalm through the promo for the next episode? I'm really hoping that it's as inaccurate as the promos usually are for this show, but Joel definitely says, "Are you having an affair with him" next time, so there's that. *Sigh* Here we go.

I think both seasons 1 and 2 (especially 1) have a lot of long-term stuff going on, if by that you mean foreshadowing, thematic connections, etc. But the sixth season is definitely more of a whole-over-parts endeavor than either of those were. The last few episodes were such an awesome payoff for the first

When I got caught up with Mad Men the first time (right at the end of the third season), the first season was my favorite, but now that these recaps have made me think through a lot of these episodes, I'm amazed at how much of season 1 is either a prologue or a trial run for the rest of the show. It's not like it was

I love any little bit of Tina's daydreams I can get, but I do kind of wish they could return to some of her old fantasies, like zombie love. That would be cool.

Daydream-Tina turning into a gold star might be my favorite image from the episode. Although Teddy making that guy say yes with his body is giving it a run for its money.

I totally agree. It was a pretty great episode until Bart and Homer's conspiratorial plotting. That really derailed it for me.

Really, "Sunshine Days" does a better job of wrapping up the series than the finale does. Emotionally, at least.

And Jane Lynch in the Aaron Paul episode! Yeah, now that I'm thinking about it, pretty great guest stars there. Good call.

Hoo boy, yes, "The Sixth Extinction" is just awful.

"Sunshine Days" is definitely the one to remember. It's my favorite of the season, and judging from previous comment threads, it seems like it's well-regarded by most fans around here.

I was wondering that, too, although I'd say he's right to dismiss Season 9, outside of a few marginally enjoyable episodes.

I'd say Seasons 4 and 5 are where it begins to make less sense, but
it didn't truly lose its way for me until after the first movie.

Sheryl Crow and the Avengers gets me every time I look at that name. Man, I love this feature.

I read this at work last year, and to suppress the laughs, I put my hand over my mouth, which resulted in weird snorty chuckles coming out of my nose. Somehow, I kept my job.

Your site is bad, and you should feel bad!

Have to admit, a 1-125 ranking would be pretty sweet. But I can't imagine the mountain of work that would be to compile. That's a lot of blurbs to write.

I like Mad Men much more than Breaking Bad, but even I have to say that BB had a much, much stronger season than MM this year. That final run of episodes was just fucking fantastic.

This is a great idea. Giving equal attention to a wide range of shows seems like it will be a lot more interesting and more representative of the TV landscape than a simple list. Looking forward to it!

I haven't, actually! Outside of The Sopranos and The Wire, I'm woefully lacking in HBO viewing. Something I've been meaning to fix, but other shows beckon, too. TV is an embarrassment of riches these days. Thanks for the suggestion.