Cornelius Thoroughgood

While I don't think season six of The X-Files was an all-time best, it's probably the most interesting period in the show to examine critically. I feel like there's a fascinating shift in the identity of the series from the claustrophobic, paranoid early years of the show to the more panoramic, mystical ideology that

It would be fantastic to see this continue, especially since this is a show that isn't often regarded as a part of the "great TV" canon at AV Club. Nice to see it get some deserved attention.

Yeah, I can kind of see how the Arrested Development style of serialization-as-recurring-joke could get tiring, but I think a lot of what made that show so great was its gleeful indulgence in its own universe. "Steve Holt!", the chicken dance, Bob Loblaw, Buster/Lucille/Loose Seal references, and the rest are only

Arrested Development is one of the only TV comedies that really relied (and thrived) under serialization.

I continued my playthrough of Ultima VII: The Black Gate, once again confirming my love for old PC games in general and the Ultima series in particular. There's a sense of exploration and player initiative there that I haven't found in other games.