
Right? How was Marian a surprise, it was…the same actress that played her in her first episode.

I liked the homage to Terminator 2, at the end, better than the George McFlying of Snow White.


Do other states have signs that say 'close the window, idiot'?

The ghost of Lane Price put it there.

Apparently, you watch the show for realism in business acumen.

In news that shocked no one: Norman Bates is a killer.

There were two time jumps. One was a few months, the next was three years. WE didn't spend a lot of time in the few months section.

The best explanation of that I ever heard was that it ISN'T being filmed, and the camera asides, which seem to sometimes occur in the middle of scenes, are actually the thought processes of the characters.

How very Lost.

So, is next season going to stick with the time skip, or will we get the fill in years?

It wasn't premise only. The lead character on 80s Show was cousin to the Foreman family through Kitty.

….I can't say I miss him much, but now I get why they have never asked him back.

It was god enough that I didn't realize it was Chris Elliot til he opened his mouth.

I don't know about you guys, but I would totally watch a show starring BJ Novak as a hot mummy.

The previous future episode had her baby's dad as "Gerard Samson", and that's the unibrow baby.

Um the guy with the baby was Greg. The baby was Libby.

Maggie and the Unibrow baby are married.


They might be getting it mixed up with the original Life With Archie comic that ran from 1958-1991, and was not about Archie marrying anybody and then getting horribly murdered, but was about Archie and the gang sometimes exploring alternate universes where they were secret agents, superheroes or jughead banging