
Especially since…the pigurines were rebuilt?

So here's what I thought was weird: Christine in the flashback clip was played by Christine Hughes' actress from Yes Dear, but: Christine in the current time was played by Lady from Scrubs. Who was ALSO on Yes Dear.

Yes. Those poor murderers. So misunderstood?

They actually have said they're working on the cigarettes. Way to get things wrong av club.

Um….dude, the guy in the photo is blonde. You can clearly see he is blonde. They've also said "He will be blonde".

Since I am pretty sure they're still filming HIMYM…probably not this season?

Right? Even in Stargate, when they were confronted with a villain who could mind control men, they sent in THE WOMEN to deal with her.

Only in Marvel could a character with a ten page wiki be considered "not as important"

they decided repeating things they've already done was the same as being creative.

Wow, you're not even going to mention the amazing tribute to japanese horror of Stiles vomitting up an ENTIRE PERSON WORTH OF GAUZE THAT TURNED INTO A MAN

Wasn't El Rey the name of Freddy Rodriquez' character in Planet Terror?

I was going to come here and say I liked the episode, but then I realized Emma banged a monkey.

It makes sense.

I enjoyed that apparently Jamm was super into the beef jerky he got for agreeing to do whatever Leslie said.

Because they're resisting the merger.

Then wouldn't they have attacked Leslie?

Jamm probably thinks that him vs her on council was a friendly rivalry.

I enjoy that he suddenly wants to be Leslie's friend.

Because they're resisting the merger.