
That, and Francine getting off on them street racing was…well.  That WAS more than 2 years ago.

The three shows are same universe, you realize…

I do not like Noel Wells, and I cannot figure out why.

Before we panned up to see her face, I literally thought Penny was Emma.

Was she originally a full-nurse?

No, he wasn't.

It wasn't really a twist, though.  That's…what happened to the date in Carrie.

Yeah, but the house was in Kentucky.

So…the Sam/Penny plot, that was obviously originally Finn's storyline, right?

I loved her in those three, and in Sugar & Spice and Dark City.  There was a horror show she did in AU I can't really remember the name of, but it was pretty good.  She played a woman being haunted by a ghost.

Only on tv.  Her movie characters are amazing.

The random shopping cart full of cans and bon fire in the middle of prom.

They DID, however, show Stan huffing homeless people's farts.

God, I hope so.

EXACTLY like that @drdarke:disqus .  Alternatively, he constructed a Pee Wee Herman-style breakfast machine to rescue her.

Chicago Hope on Hulu.  Emergency! is on netflix.

…seriously, I shouldn't have more stories about Brooks than people who spend every day with her.

Me too. I'm glad he heard her say that.

Brooks was the new George.  Suddenly Super Talented In Something She Barely Showed Skills In. Nickname Based On Numbers. Death By Heroic Stupidness.

Me also