Alcopheliac Anonymous

And I know for a fact that he was laid off for a couple of years after the housing market crashed in 2008 because of the policies of the Bush administration, and it was the Obama policies and administration, that have fixed and restored the housing market so this idiot can have a job again….what the fuck?!

Does the goatee help?

I was on a job site yesterday. In one of the houses under construction a carpenter was obviously happy that Trump had won, and said to me (no joke), "About time. You know, it hasn't been easy for a white man in America these last eight years." I just walked away.

Make Scott Great Again.

I think humanity peaked on November 2nd, 2016 when the Cubs won the World Series.

Up until today I would have argued that we'd have the future to look forward to, like Back to the Future II. Now I'm not so sure.

I was trying to think of a time period that was all around not terrible (which is about the best we could hope for), and … fuck, history is bleak.

How many directions are they now?

About 8 years ago. Sure the economy was tanking, the housing market was in ruins, and music was terrible…but things seemed ok, hopeful and bright…

Today of all days, I wish I had a Delorean time machine.

I've never been religious, but I'm willing to learn and follow you.

Please remember that my upvotes to these comments are really just sympathy upvotes, like when you tell me your dog died. And they are not that I like your sentiments.

I feel like a whole new me.

I think Super Hans summed it up best:

That was not the flask I was hoping for…

He's Canadian. Why would he?

He even ruined the word "sad".

I did. I edited.

A human centipede. That is what we are literally becoming…

"Let’s venture back in time to just before Donald Trump was officially declared president-elect of the United States of America."