
Bruiser, I actually share your bemusement, but if you actually read what I wrote I'm basing my argument on a film I HAVE seen (Short Term 12) that I felt the site underrated. And my secondary argument is about a judgment AA Dowd makes about Holofcener's previous films, all of which I've seen. I'll acknowledge that

Re: "MoP": totally. I actually found Owen Wilson's character so intolerable in that movie—and seriously any wannabe writer his age with such archaic taste and antiquely romantic notions about the literary life is never going to write anything worth reading—that the only character I enjoyed was the awful, materialistic

Thank you. I enjoyed "Blue Jasmine" a lot, but it was strange to see Woody Allen rewarded so inordinately for finally "tackling" class in America, when a) kinda late, innit? and b) Holofcener has been doing it throughout her career, and doing it without resorting to cartoonish salt-of-the-earth counterpoint prole

AVClub's film coverage has been bugging me lately. I remember when I first started following it, I always felt like the writing and critical judgments were strong but didn't get in the way of the critics showing a BIT of generosity with the grades. AA Dowd and the rest of the new critics might think they're being fair

I haven't seen it in so long I'm pretty agnostic… though I seem to recall enjoying it for its bold compositions and staging. And I've never seen Carlito's Way…

I feel like it's consciously ridiculous. The first forty minutes are basically the extended fantasy of a bored housewife who's watched too many soap operas and detergent commercials. The music is corny. The palette is upscale-Manhattan circa 1980 corny (white and beige everywhere!) It's just the ripest, most

Oops, I meant to type "Body Double."

Dressed to Kill, Carrie, Blow Out, and (debatably) Casualties of War are the truly first rate stuff, the movies where his excesses (including his excessive virtuosity) fused with his subject matter in rich and compelling ways. There are also the midnight movies: Get To Know Your Rabbit, Phantom of The Paradise, that

Thank you for pointing out how amazing Dee Wallace is in this movie. In a film filled with amazingly natural child actors, her touching and vivid work usually gets overlooked.

Thank you for pointing out how amazing Dee Wallace is in this movie. In a film filled with amazingly natural child actors, her touching and vivid work usually gets overlooked.