molly man

I drew a crude picture of my boss with a crazy beard and swastikas. You're welcome to it, GJI.

Agreed. The show's very Stark-centric, but gives us no reason at all to give a damn about Rickon. The deaths of his wolf and wildling guardian bummed me out much more.

I've only gotten viruses 3-4 times in my life, and all those times were ca. 2001, messing around with Limewire, Bearshare, etc. Before I learned basic internet common sense.

It really isn't. There are some 80s Who episodes that could burn out your eyes with their godawfulness.

That's stupid. Everyone knows that we all live inside of the eye of a blue-eyed giant named Macumber.

The problem with my view is that I can't be 100% sure that I'm right. The problem with your view is that you have zero evidence from the show to support it. Your problem is bigger than mine, I think.

Readers of the books can answer this better than me, but I got the impression that the Waif was brainwashing/hazing/testing Arya, tearing down her identity so she could become a pure assassin for their little murder cult. The Waif thought Arya wasn't cut out for the cult, resented her, expected her to wash out…and

I agree that it's hard to see whose face was on the wall…but if it was Arya's face, then how could the Waif have been wearing it? That's too many Arya faces.

The Waif has a reason to kill Arya, but not a reason to disguise herself as Arya. What would be the point of that?

My thought was: Blackfish and his men have to go with Brienne for adventures up north, or else this entire interlude is just filler. Time will tell (maybe the Blackfish is still alive, or whatever), but as things stand, that whole bit seemed completely pointless.

I guess if I'm going to mindlessly click on anything Game of Thrones related, then this is what I'm going to get.

So, we need to reverse psychology that shit. Get Rosie O'Donnell (or whoever middle America hates) to endorse Trump.

We need some boats to invade Westeros…like we did five years ago.

I've never even seen this show: just stopped by to make this point about "centennial." Now, that's pedantic.

I instinctively want to defend Yoko against the haters. I understand if you don't like her music (it's definitely not for everyone), but the hate seems to be coming from a much darker place…from the weird shared delusion that John Lennon belongs to "us," and Yoko took him away…okay, whatever.

I'm tempted too…but what if Roger Fucking Miller hates how I play guitar? "Idiot! You're doing it wrong!" That would be a crushing blow.

It's bad enough that he recycles other artists' work, and makes his women look like sex toys…but his comics don't make any damn sense! He just plops a bunch of random faces and bodies into the frame, without any concern for how they fit together. Here's Reed Richards screaming at the top of his lungs, like a pro

I just finished Marvel Superheroes in December, and played Lego Avengers for a couple of hours this week. That was a mistake, because it seems like the same damn game, and it's not much fun. I'll wait awhile and give it another shot.

I like to do Dawnguard last, because when it's running, you'll get random vampire attacks, some of which result in NPCs dying…you'll lose merchants, and miss out on some mini-quests, which can be really annoying. (At least that happened to me a lot: maybe I was just unlucky.)

Happy to see Forough Farrokhzad's The House Is Black on that first list. Brilliant Iranian documentary about life in a leper colony. It's on Youtube. If you've taken the 52 movies vow: this one's only 20 min. long, so that's a freebie.