
The girl who visited him at his regular job asked him why he wasn't interested in going to college.

That line about Dune was from Siskel (at least a variation of it) in their At the Movies discussion. Ebert's print review said he gave up after nine minutes. :)

Damnit, still not about the Roman emperor captured by the Persians and used as a foot stool.

Did they let him play the siren?

Oh, the Uma/Oprah Oscars! I miss you, 1995.

I don't drink coffee.

Did you demand dream royalties from that scene in Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles that used "The Man Comes Around"?

Goosebumps when the video came up in my Facebook video. The comments were highly predictable as well. Internet!

He was born in 1923, obvs.

It's a living! /Flintstones-animal-used-as-machine

Alex even did a little Cronkite impression. Sigh.

Good for you!

Boo hiss!

Did Tuesday's Shaka/When The Walls Fell categories go un-articled/Newswire'd here? I saw Gizmodo mentioned them, but didn't see them here (I just caught up to Tuesday's show on Wednesday).

I didn't pay attention to the FJ category so I ended up going with Thurgood Marshall. Oops. /Hides in shame

Shorter WOT: Nothing.

The Marquess of Queensbury clue was way too clever, using "ruler" to try to lead the contestants to the Queensbury Rules, but it sounded more like they were looking for a political ruler. For a good while I was wondering what colony the Marquess ruled over for that clue to work.

100 points!

Current government is "euro-skeptic", "anti-immigrant" and anti-German. I imagine Poles have a healthy national distaste for both Germany and Russia though.

Ah, I thought so too, but forgot to consult The Internet (until now).