
I just opened the port.

There must be some misunderstanding.

Think she said in the pilot that all three kids have different dads.

It was pretty convenient given I was still at work when the game started. And it improved when I turned my phone horizontally so it hid the tweet feed of random people.

I like to think Wannstedt's western PA accent lent him an unearned aura of coaching competency.

Steve Nash's dorm room perhaps.

The robots from my area are cursed, presumably by The Robot Devil.

Help him!

Stoned out of his mind.
The A.V. Club

Not impressed with the contestant quality so far this year and some of the categories have been extra cutesy. Summer hiatus hangover, perhaps.

My family had an Art Fleming era one. The clickers were fun for a 3 year old.

Was fearing the all green Packers uniform … but they ended up with all-white instead. Good thing Roger Goodell is unaware white is not actually a color.

What I've got synced to my iThingy
Sigur Ros
Silversun Pickups
Smashing Pumpkins
Smoking Popes
Son Volt

Not synced that I can think of that are still in my primary collection
[London] Suede (really should put their eponymous album onto the iThing)
Snow Patrol

Stuff that may be somewhere
Stone Temple Pilots

He got to pretend bang Callie Thorne again, so there's that.

Nice backup when TBS realizes they're still paying Conan actual money.

Ask for the basket of deplorables on the side.

Trying to get an Enzo Ferrari biopic made. Currently a 2018 release date though.
