No points on the deal are worth this…
No points on the deal are worth this…
You can pick up a lot of the D6 stuff on Ebay for relatively cheap these days. Worth a look, although I recommend trying to pick them up in lots rather than as individual books. And, of course, there are…other sources if you want to review the content before buying…
I'd love to get a 1e AD&D game going.
-2. It's nigh impenetrable.
Sinbad? Is that you?
But really, can't we just get Beyond Rangoon?
It can actually be fairly difficult to make heroes heroic AND superpowered, and have their triumphs be genuinely satisfying.
Ah yes! The old Carlin Inversion! Replace the word "kill" with the word "fuck" in movies.
Mitchell's on the corner…
This is exactly where I came out on the show (although I haven't finished it yet, actually).
The new door sequence into the theater looked to have far more detailed props than the old versions…
But that's how we get superpowers, right?
The real issue is that this show should never have run for more than, oh, 2, MAYBE 3 seasons. It should have tracked closer to the British version, which is tight in its storytelling, and concludes fittingly.
Finding BOB in the Lodge would be…difficult, though. Unless he's shot entirely from behind or with his hair in front of his face or something.
So…Second Life?
Didn't you know? What is dead may never die.
Worth remembering two things, though:
The Riddler racetracks were really the only ones I found irritating. I initially didn't like the tank battles, but after I got the hang of them and upgraded my Batmobile, they actually became pretty fun. The big fight outside of GCPD was a blast (literally and figuratively). has some discussion on that today. Worth a look.