
Yeh, that hoodie image doesn't even really look like Hagen shape-wise. I actually don't think Hagen killed Siegel. I have no idea why I think that and I could very well be proven completely wrong, and probably will be. I'm wondering if some shady folks Hagen's dealing with didn't do the agent in, cause that little

Pretty agree with everything you written especially the part about maybe Neal really does need to talk to someone. It's kind of sad watching him struggle. I feel like he's a caged animal this season. Equal parts sad and awesome.

I completely agree with you about it being too early to judge. It's only the 3rd episode, so much has happened, but so much more is waiting to unfold. I'm excited.
I honestly would be turned off if it strayed too far from Peter and Neal. I like Diana and Jones, but sometimes when the focus is on them I find myself

I like seeing Neal off his game because it makes sense giving the circumstances. All the stuff with his dad, Peter put in jail indirectly because of him, Peter handing him off, not being honest at all with Peter, a new handler, and in particular Hagen's hold on him. Con man or not, that's a lot of crap for someone

Lethal Weapon 6 was even more epic than Lethal Weapon 5. Thought Rob was really outstanding in this episode. Good laughs.

Yeh, I like him, too. I also didn't want to like him, but gosh darn it, I do. I hope I'm wrong about his unfortunate end but I feel like something has to happen for Peter and Neal to work together again.

Fantastic episode. So much fun and it flowed so smoothly. I love having more of Neal and Mozzie's relationship shown. While they are friends and care for each other, this episode showed they really love each other.
I love how they are setting up Peter and Neal for some kind of big talk or confrontation. I think

I really liked tonight's episode and the tone it's setting for the season. I love how much they're putting on Neal - Hagen's deal, changes with Peter, the fallout of his father's actions, new handler…It's going to be very interesting!!! It's definitely a call back to season 1 cause I think he's going to be shutting