Hey whoever is in charge around here, what's going on with this disqus/AVC account login nonsense? I really don't have much to live for these days and checking my notifications on my AVC account is like the one thing keeping me going sometimes. I need a resolution or at least an explanation here!
Glad to see some positivity from you guys for once! This was a fantastic episode. The scene with the dead DA that Teti highlights is so amazingly well done. That just gave me a shot of deep dread down to my bones. Shit was chilling.
Sorry Gugino, you're pretty nice, but not Hendricks level
Actually, the review went up at like 1:30 EST last night, which is a speed record for Erik.
So that's what a Chicago Sunroof is. Now I can finally rest easy.
After last week's strong punch to the gut, this episode felt almost breezy. I enjoyed it a lot. That retro style grifting montage was a thing of beauty. Mel Rodriguez is doing a great job on TV these days. His role he was pretty different from his other…
Also, random Fausto sighting: saw him in a Seinfeld rerun, he plays a random delivery guy in The Package. SO young!
I agree with you
I'm getting NAMBLA on the phone!
Did they play the Geto Boys song the entire episode?
Loved this episode. Great opener. I LOL'ed at every single sketch, except for the opening one, which has been a rarity for me with this show. Kumail Najiani was probably the highlight of the episode, though… as per usual.
Shit, I forgot this was a thing that I had to watch. Stupid FXX. Once again, FX putting their headlining dramas on the same timeslot as their headlining comedies. Idiots. Thank god Louie is still going to be on FX, or knowing them they'd air it across from The Bridge.
I dunno what makes you say that. The handicapped people on this show have been portrayed in a great light that actually makes them look like full fledged people instead of caricatures or jokes. One of the best things this show has going for it.
Last season was extremely uneven, but it finished up very well and left me wanting to continue watching this season.
Yeah I pretty much only know her as "ridiculous goth hacker chick because that's what old people think"
This show is so great! Loved this episode. Some great comedic (big bird, Dawn falling in to the fountain) and touching moments. Also I finally felt some real empathy and sympathy for Jenna. This might be the first episode where she didn't do something terrible.
I was a little confused, since previously I thought…
Ha! I was just about to say the same thing! I had Home Alone 2 on AMC going and then I switched to this and was like WHOA DANIEL STERN