Shaddam IV

So many sides repulsed by Trump.

You're making a number of assumptions there.

Did someone say that Green Glove Brit Boy will totally fulfill his destiny by arm wrestling Mr C yet?

I'm always pleased when something I love squeezes in a Beatle reference!

Only 3 weeks left folks, as parts 17 & 18 will air together on the 3rd. Sad!

All press conferences will now begin with "what the president meant was…"

Yeah FU Ivanka. If she'd added just one word, it wouldn't ring hollow. It should begin with "Dad,".

HBO has got to immediately get inside somebody's ass when this happens. You pull the asshole open, step into the asshole, close the door behind you.

I'M ALSO illegitimate, gay, vegetarian, left-handed, easily distracted, and at times heretical !!

It's 4 words. I've been watching.

Looks like Donnie finally got the inauguration crowd he was hoping for.

David Duke: Charlottesville Rally ‘Fulfills The Promises Of Donald Trump’

"Get them out of here. Rough them up a bit, I will pay for their attorney fees."

Made in China.

They brought torches but couldn't find the Reichstag?

Wow these white nationalists really feel strongly about states rights, what with the torches and all.

The Nazis are being Nazis. Easy peasy!

Any word from Trump on what his base is up to down there?

I'm enjoying the living shit out of it.

Actually, reports are they had no idea. Seriously.