Rando Calrissian

I've concluded Barack is basically W II. The endless wars, the creepy spy stuff, Romneycare instead of true national health care, etc. are all decent evidence of this. But that's what most of us voters wanted - not a liberal, not a conservative, just one right down the middle.

My wife can shoot lasers out of her eyes that can completely incinerate whoever they are aimed at. Plus, she can remember things that happened 26 years ago as if it were yesterday. Unfortunately she has never figured out how to use these amazing superpowers for good.

Indeed - a position that rests on tossing out more than 3% of the U.S. population sounds about as practical as forcibly installing a stable democracy in Iraq. Probable would require similarly bottomless costs as well.

The more we see of Jimmy and Gretchen, the better this show is. I think the original premise included Lindsay and Edgar as comic-relief sidekicks, but they have not evolved much past cartoon characters. Lindsay and Edgar need to have more depth or they need to step back a little. Gretchen and Jimmy have been

As much as I loved Peanuts as a kid, when I heard about this movie I immediately wondered if Peanuts was too far gone from the culture to make a comeback. Certainly my son would not recognize these characters any more than he would recognize Dick Tracy, Alley Oop or Prince Valiant. However, I wish it much success.

George W. Bush talked about immigration reform and amnesty. I think he meant it although he didn't accomplish much in that area, or anywhere else for that matter. There are millions of US businesses owned by Republicans that will go into cardiac arrest if the illegals are thrown out, at least in some parts of the

I think you're right about that. People are people. Possibly the GOP has gained ground in former Democrat strongholds such as the Deep South because the GOP candidates tend to imply they're not going to do much for minorities, but Democrats aren't immune from bigotry - none of us are.

Minorities and Hispanics cannot claim to be intrinsically free of bigotry.

He left out "Feminazi" and "environmental wacko".

Well said. Sums it up beautifully.

We've seen a lot of politicians on SNL in four decades. None of them added anything to the program other than the fish-out-of-water spectacle of it. Politicians ought to just stay off comedy shows. They're usually no funnier than pro athletes, and clowning never helps their credibility. Double for Trump. I

I enjoyed it, and I certainly don't want to pick on a movie you like. It's actually probably me, not Will Smith. Over the years I have seen so many movies that now I don't like to see famous faces in movies, because I have a hard time separating them from their real world personas. In my mind I see a celebrity,

Yes, certainly not a classic, far from it, just another coffin nail in M. Night Shamalyan's filmmaking career. Hope I spelled that name right, I went on memory alone.

Watching "I, Robot" without knowing about Will's better work could give a poor impression of him, but I've enjoyed his performances in just about everything else.

Two things I've never heard of, revealed to me because of this lawsuit: Mitre, and this HBO show with Bryant Gumbel. Is this just an advertising stunt in cooperation with HBO? Most of the cheap crap in the world is made by poor people doomed by the economics in their poor crappy countries to either make cheap crap

You got that right. I'd like to know who at the network thought a superhero show without superheroes would be entertaining. It's like watching Star Wars Ep 1 with everything cut out except Jar Jar Binks.