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    I don't think anyone asked you what you think about college athletics.

    RIP Lone Star

    The general public cares about that hot new Vine and what Beyonce wore that one time.

    Yay Baskets!

    Yo mayne…

    The McConaughey driving in circles was incredible.

    I think they're just messing with everyone at this point.

    It may not be kosher, but it's delicious.

    "Sorry, I have a thing for redheads"

    There's something hilarious about Pitchfork's mix between super hipster bands I've never heard of and radio-dominating trap music that is complete crap.

    It would be called 'art'.

    He's in massive debt.

    Isn't that redundant?

    Self-aggrandizing shite.

    French fries?

    Sawl VIII

    There are 'other ways'.

    Mr. Cumstain