It's him trying to save his best friend's boyfriend nothing romantic about it. Plus there's a chance he could be Barry's brother if the show sticks to the comics.
It's him trying to save his best friend's boyfriend nothing romantic about it. Plus there's a chance he could be Barry's brother if the show sticks to the comics.
She was drunk, people do a lot of weird stuff when they're drunk.
Where did you get the whole she's attracted to Jay because she likes Barry thing from?
He'll be back, I don't know why people are acting like we won't see him again.
He looks the same in every life so no they can't.
They will probably bring a future incarnation of Hawkman and make him apart of the team.
For 16 episods? yeah no.
Well we don't know that, That was too big of a name drop to not mean anything.
That was an Echo.
I don't know the whole cloister scene with her saying that "they should say things to one another"pretty much hints that she does love him.
Yes and no, The Wolverine we know is dead but Old Man Logan lives in 616 now.
But Daredevil did not.
Why would they fight over the Doctor? River is his wife and Missy is his friend not much of a competition River means more to the Doctor obviously.
No it was an echo they even went on a montage showing the times Clara's other echoes saved the Doctor, the Clara with the first was just an echo.
No the Clara that told the first doctor to take the Tardis he has now was an Echo it was not the real Clara were you not paying attention?
Yeah the negatives of that were Cisco and his brother getting kidnaped.
No they would not kill her off again besides she's gonna be on Legends and the person in the grave had to be put in there by Damian. And we will probably not see Sarah in this season again so it has to be someone else.
Yeah but still you know the part where the Doctor says the hybrid isn't half Dalek but he doesn't say it isn't half time lord either? That leads me to believe The Hybrid is still half Time Lord which cuts Me from being the Hybrid since she's only half human half mire. So The Doctor fits the bill of being The Hybrid…
The Doctor said nothing could be half dalek but he did't take the Time Lord part out so that is enough evidence to say the hybrid is still half time lord plus the Doctor is a hybrid himself since he is half human apparently so whoever the Hybrid is has to be half Time Lord if it wasn't the Doctor would have said the…
I also forgot to mention that the doctor took out the Dalek part of the Hybrid he never took the time lord part out which means the Hybrid is half time lord which means Me isn't The Hybrid since she's half human half mire not time lord.