Matt C.

To Sartre's "Hell is other people," Michael Shur and The Good Place say, "or is it?"

Was it me or was his neck/chestal area incredibly pink during that pop sensation bit?

I spent the whole episode thinking how the girl playing Violet looked a lot like Emily Browning. Now, reading your comment, I looked up the actors from the original film and it all makes sense.

I had read this and assumed she would also be on tomorrow's show but will not win. I now realize this may not be the case?

aaaand there it is.

I may be reading into this wrong [and about a month too late] but I took her surprise at the news from the Chinese general to be a flash-forward that spurred the action. Like she was in the tent, had a vision where he told her about the phone call and then that's why she made the phone call.

Did anyone else notice that the article Rory was reading in the Stars Hollow Gazette's archives spelled Lorelai as "Loralai" in the headline and the body of the article? I wonder if that was a production error or a canon error by the author of the article.

She might talk in pop culture references or she might just be Princess Robot.

I'm not completely familiar with all of them, but I'd say between Bruce and Redford.

No puppet.

I took that more to mean that that specific guy hawking bootleg DVDs didn't know their specific names.

I don't think the "last bad guy standing abandons group" trope was invented by Iron Man 3. Seems like it's probably decades old.

Except, if I understand it correctly, everything everyone says in The Good Place is automatically translated to the listener's language.

I believe you swapped some words there. Should read: Kristen Bell was actually in something good.

Or they just thought that they shouldn't turn down another show from a former employee to see it succeed elsewhere i.e. Kimmy Schmidt

Yeah, if someone were capable of jumping from behind the line and dunking it, it would be three points. Just like if you jumped from behind the foul line and dunked it on a foul shot, it would still count.

Collingwood just released a side project thing called Look Park that is pretty FoW-y.

Affleck a better actor than Matt Damon?

What about for "I don't know, he just survived, I guess."
