Eh. There's plenty that's R-rated but just a solid story. Punisher Max was phenomenal.
Eh. There's plenty that's R-rated but just a solid story. Punisher Max was phenomenal.
To be fair, the Catholic policy of no female priests has been criticized by many.
How many sitcoms sing Boyz 2 Men now?
I really did not care for Megan Fox here. We had a great loft dynamic, but I haven't laughed at a single line from her. She's like the new early Coach.
I agree that Stewart was a better host, but comparing Noah unfavorably to Wilmore? Really? The Nightly Show is unwatchable.
Is he getting an arc? I thought the whole point of that was that it gets Deschanel off the set for a while.
I wish there were more attention paid to the actual content of The Tipping Point rather than just the lineup.
It was good content, though.
No Word On A Wing?
They're in vaguely the same sphere, but they agree on essentially nothing and generally despise one another.
Is Return of Kings an MRA website? I thought they were redpillers.
It's simple. Saying a woman doesn't like sex=misogyny, but at the same time saying she does also=misogyny.
Took nearly a century? Sure, if you ignore the constant team-ups that have been going on since the beginning.
" I usually don’t understand it when adults live with their forebears"
In this case, yes. It almost doesn't actually matter what the preachy political message IS, just that it has one. The 9/11 issue of Spider-Man managed to be comparably terrible with its message of "blowing up the WTC was bad", something no one actually disagrees with.
What, do you think I believe DeConnick just accidentally wrote a heavily political comic? No. But at the same time it gets in the way of the storytelling when it's that blatantly preachy.
Midnighter, Batgirl, and Bitch Planet have all been terrible. Midnighter is a pale and uninteresting imitation of his Wildstorm self, Batgirl feels like a Stephanie Brown comic with all the charm surgically removed, Bitch Planet lets its political message get in the way of the story to a degree I haven't seen since…
The better a show is the more niche it tends to be. Appealing to as broad an audience as possible requires some sacrifices of quality.
By the standards of season 7 it's a breath of fresh air.
They clearly have a functioning freezer where they kept the bacon.