Peter Panic

This has to be the worst show on television. At least the worst show that I've tried to watch thinking it'd be good.

Nothing wrong with those. Except the question mark.

Throw water on it? What happens when you feed it after midnight?

That's silly. He has no thumbs.

You're a moron. You want to count how many Conservatives have said that. And anybody would be smart to leave the US and explore the world anyway.

Doesn't change what people are saying.

Uh, sadly recent events kind of answer that one.

That's what you end up looking like when all you have to do is preach and surf and do the occasional modeling gig.

God and guns. Yep, goes together like rum and Coke. 'Murica!

They've always pushed this hard on the merch before movies. It's not even that far away.

It goes away - I'm not shitting you - if you lick your phone. I noticed it and I only lick my phone because I have no arms.

This time around?

Now if they had one with Luke replacing Leia in front of Jabba I'd buy that because that would be funny a fuck.

Sounds great to me but I hope he's still in Daredevil. Any word on that?

And Kirsten Dunst.

Voice work is voice work. It's not acting.

Well, i assumed he was fast enough that he could determine that on his own. Because I think it'd be sillier if she knew. I mean if somebody asked me - at least at night - what direction I was facing I'd be like, "How the hell should I know?"

How's that soapy stuff any different than the 99 percent of movies that have the same stuff?

Great movie.

if Flash could find iris falling out of a window from miles away how come he couldn't find Snart after he was thawed out? And why doesn't that suit automatically thaw once hit with certain temperatures?