

Get Out has made $111 million (and counting) on a $5 million budget (wow!) Peele is going to get a nice payday (even if the majority of the profits go elsewhere) AND, more importantly, he's "hot" and he's certainly gonna get some more bites at the apple. Until he has a clear flop, he's going to be in demand and

I'd double upvote this if I could. This enrages me so much, this idea that white addiction and all of its attendant consequences (violence, health problems, broken homes, abuse, etc.) is the result of real distress and frustration and deserves our compassion, understanding, and resources; while black addiction is

I can't help but think that the grace displayed by Horowitz will only help him in the future in Hollywood.

I can't believe she was 29 in Vacation. Don't get me wrong, she was hot, gorgeous. But, she had a mature look - like a hot, gorgeous 36 or 37 year old. Maybe it's simply how they dressed her and did her hair.

That's what I'm thinking. Ben is pretty established as A-list at this point - both in front of and behind the camera. He seems to be among the next generation of power players.

She's the ex-girlfriend and/or ex-partner of Keaton's character. She was once in on a scam with him similar to the one he's pulling on Griffith and Mondine. Her scene wasn't long. Griffith or Modine track her down and she reveals Keaton's MO. The role is uncredited.

That FFJ clip used for Streep made the movie look awful.

It's his normal face, seriously. He looks like that when he wins. He has RSF - resting sourpuss face.

But, the anti-white racism crowd really isn't the "I love musicals" crowd.

I would have liked to see this exact same scenario play out at the Golden Globes where everyone is completely shit-faced.

Yeah, it sucks and it's humiliating. But, Moonlight actually won; as in actually got more votes. It's a procedural fuck up, really nothing more. I don't see how it has to be remedied with an Oscar win. And, I'm not seeing how it's a hit on the La La Land people's reputation. They're being lauded for how great

He had the cutest, repetitive "yeses" ever. He'd say "yes" to anything. Kimmel asks "Do you think our new president is an asshole?" "Yes."

The screenplay category was pretty deep, and that's the award I really thought it should win - because the screenplay is genius - the three-part structure, the incredible use of silence and pauses and "space" when they could have filled it up with more dialogue, making the actual dialogue that much more impactful,

There is. His name is Chiron. He wears a cape with a "C".

Nearly all of them (except maybe that one guy) handled it like titans. Obviously, they thought they won; the name was read on live TV; they went to the stage to accept. And, then the mistake was revealed. They did not act like "because you read La La Land, we are the rightful winners and now you're taking our

Some stage hand should should tell the presenters the winners before they walk out. I'd say tell them much earlier, but they probably want to avoid leaks.

And, I think Gwyneth is a deserving winner. She gets a lot of hate for the GOOP stuff, but she's really not a bad actress.

No reason to duck or hide. My take is that of course there are differences in opinions and all the movies have some artistic merit. If we're only going to give out one award each year, then there's always going to be perfectly fine to great films that aren't awarded. The notion that this or that film "should" or

I felt horrible for everyone - Beatty and Dunaway, the La La Land people - who thought they won a best picture Oscar and literally had it snatched away; the Moonlight people, who accepted under confusion and absurd circumstances and may be subject to a few assholes thinking they "stole" the award. But, everyone