Ryan S.

I watched Rosewater by Jon Stewart a few weeks ago and Gael Garcia-Bernal plays an Iranian in it.

One of my favorite parts about that location is that they play the Cinema Paradiso theme often in the bathrooms so I get to enjoy it while using the urinal.

Plus the commercials are always louder than the actual movie so you can't talk to whoever you are with.

I don't think the game is the kind of game you will want to replay often simply because of how enormous it is and the emphasis placed on exploration and discovery which won't translate to a second playthrough as much. I could imagine the DLC to be something that comes after the main story and I wouldn't be surprised

I feel like most people shouldn't be held responsible for things they said under the age of 22 or so for the rest of their life. Before that age you are still trying to figure out who you are and how you fit in the world. Plus, most probably have no experience with the world outside their hometown and their small

That's cool. I've seen a couple of those.

Either I'm getting too old for really aggressive rock music or the two songs just didn't do anything for me.

I even saw them live right after that record came out in Downtown L.A. and I can't remember a single thing about the concert.

Strangely, that was my gateway album for her.

I was obsessed with The Mars Volta to an unhealthy degree, where I had even bought every At the Drive-In cd available. Once The Bedlam in Goliath was released, I just couldn't relate to it for some reason. They were too maximalist or something all of a sudden for me and it was just too much to process. Ever since

I think he just watches Kevin Corcoran movies all day.

If you are going to vote third party just make sure you're in a solid blue state where it doesn't matter what you do like California.

Are they all supposed to be slightly out of focus or is that just my computer?

Why doesn't AVClub not do best comedy albums/stand-up specials during their end of year articles anymore? I do hope they do a best of the decade list eventually.

I would also like them to all get jobs.

Her song Delirious needs to be on a soundtrack, if it isn't already.

I also watched The Young Girls of Rochefort with my girlfriend last week. It's probably in my personal top 10 films of all time. The music is just so good. I love everything about it. I'm a huge musical person though so I may be biased. Someday, I'll end up showing her The Umbrellas of Cherbourg also as that one

Way too hyperactive for me.

Yeah, but with their earlier records there were these lulls between tracks that gave you a bit of respite between these onslaughts which TBIG didnt have. To me if they added these and split the record in half, maybe released six months apart or something, might have retained my interest more. Also, I think they did

I agree about Bedlam for sure. There are so many great parts, but I just felt exhausted when it was all over.