
Great review Dennis, except one huge misread, in my opinion. "It’s implied that his cocaine use is at the root of his health issues…" um, no. Gordon clearly has ALS. Last week with the TAB and this week with the shit eating fall, I think those are both coordination issues that are clear symptoms of ALS and not just

I thought the affair started long after Vanessa was born though, as revealed in the flashback from S1. Is that wrong?

Agree! A lot to unpack here. My guess is that Lily knew what was up since the beginning. I think Lily is an evil zombie genius who wanted to play naive for her own trickery / MO, which I believe is the domination she told the creature about. Possibly setting up S3 as Lily as the big bad? How bad ass would that be!

Was literally shouting YASSS QUEEEEEN!!!!!!!!!

Billie Piper needs an Emmy. Billie Piper needs all the Emmys. Billie Piper for President.

I just laughed so hard. IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE IT'S TRUE.

Mine was The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon …. ugh ugh ugh. It was like 1/3 of the screen and it happened every segment. WTF NBC!!!!

Agree. Super curious to see how the writers make the jump between Hannibal's capture and the Tooth Fairy story. If enough time has supposedly elapsed between the two events (in which I assume Will gets married) it could work. Can't wait!

Yes yes yes. Which makes his character (and by extension the writing and really this show) so unbelievably suspenseful and edge of your seat exciting. This is literally the only show I watch in real time.

OMG Elizabeth Moss as Clarice is truly inspired, I would die. Sadly, due to the yuck yuck ratings this season, I'm scared to even get my hopes that the show will progress that far.

This show, regardless of it's flaws, consistently makes me laugh out loud, and for that I am thankful. The "ultimate book return" had me ROTFL for real.


This is the biggest shocker of a good show on tv right now. Who would have thought that a Bachelor themed reality show drama on Lifetime would be this dark/funny/compelling. I do NOT watch the Bachelor/Bachlorettle and never watch Lifetime, which makes me appreciate this summer gem even more. Who doesn't love

Hmm. This is a good point as well. It will be interesting to see if the reveal any origins of his Wolfyness this season. Fingers crossed!

Shoot I am just reading this after writing an essay that Dorian knows who Brona is because that magical night of sexy pictures. Great minds yo.

Re: the end of the episode: Preach!

I think he knows who Lily/Brona is, not just a sense he knows her … he has the photgraphs from Season 1 to prove it!

I would agree with this. Which is an interesting development. It makes me wonder … has he always been a Werewolf? Are other Chandlers like this? Does he even know?

"His memory is no better than Vanessa’s when it comes to recognizing Frankenstein’s date."

LOL. Everything about Dorne this season is like they just ran out of money after the Battle at Hardhome.