Agreed on all fronts. Except the "end credits stinger." I don't know what you mean there. I do remember a song used in the end credits which felt to me like it didn't belong. It might have been the one thing that didn't work for me.
Agreed on all fronts. Except the "end credits stinger." I don't know what you mean there. I do remember a song used in the end credits which felt to me like it didn't belong. It might have been the one thing that didn't work for me.
This article mentions In The Valley of Elah in passing. If you haven't seen it, you must. It is the best movie about Iraq made so far and almost none of it takes place there. Tommy Lee Jones would've won Best Actor is he hadn't been up against Daniel Day-Lewis that year.
Hawk Harrelson and Rick Sutcliffe are awful. That is all.
They're not even pretending it's going to be good. A bold choice. Why does Tom Hanks do these movies? He isn't hurting for cash.
It's not "the civilian world." It's just called "the world."
Misplay on Wrath of Kahn. You don't play his death, you play his funeral, complete with torpedo launch and sunrise.
I suppose I would say that having it work on only some levels makes me feel it just isn't worthy of lasting praise. It's an interesting take on old vs. new money, isn't it? And I can't agree with Fitzgerald on it. That old money is somehow better. In my mind I immediately go to "Well, that just means the crimes that…
Yes, it just doesn't hold up today. But even with that aside I think the writing itself just isn't worth the praise. Back and forth between irritating and pretentious.
I certainly hate how people miss the point, but I also hate the novel as understood. It's not really what it is about that bothers me (aside from the creepy Gatsby-worship by his creepy neighbor. Just ask the guy out, for christ sake. It's like the way a quiet, awkward kid stares at his hot high school class mate for…
My own submissions: The Wizard of Oz, Top Gun, The Great Gatsby (book), Wall-E, Broadchurch, Star Trek reboots
You're more likely to be killed by dogs or bees (or dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you) or falling airplane parts than by sharks. But by all means, let's keep making ecologically vulnerable animals into villains in movies.
I can't tell if this looks awful or if using the trailer voice guy who says things like "But sometimes…life….has other plans," just makes it feel awful.
I haven't seen this and won't comment on it specifically, but I have to agree with the author on Malick's evolution. he really does seem to be making self-parody movies. The Thin Red Line and The New World were amazing. maybe even masterpiece-level, but with each film since he moves further and further away from…
Yes, I guess that's true. I suppose I was thinking more of the strong female character than the specific prison metaphor.
For anyone wondering, the music opening the second video is from Dan Romer's score to Beasts of No Nation. It wasn't nominated for an Oscar. Neither was the direction of Cary Fukunaga or the acting of Abraham Atta or Idris Elba. The whole damn movie, which deserved a best picture nod, got nothing because it was on…
No mention of Sicario? NO MENTION OF SICARIO!!!!!
Sicario deserves nominations for best cinematography and best original score (which it should absolutely win) but no best picture nomination. I'm not surprised, but it's a shame. Best thing I saw all year. Of the nominees, The Revenant should win.
I would like to see Juaja but this author is so anti-Revenant/diCaprio that I couldn't finish this article because it was too obnoxious. Where is this coming from? Did diCaprio stuff him in a locker in high school? The Revenant was fantastic.
There's really no need to take a tone. I lived through it too, but it was also twenty years ago. We would all be fools to trust our own memory or not revisit things to see what else has turned up.
Hank, Im not trying to be hostile or antagonize you by saying this, but you don't appear to be listening/getting the point and you don't seem to know that case.