
While I love Vampire's Kiss, can we talk about the Prophecy II? Besides Russell Wong being incredibly hot, Brittany Murphy and Christopher Walken played so damn well off each other.

I knew someone would do it

Man those Big Mike bits on Reno rank high up there with the Andrew and Steve Marmella ones. I wanted to hear a bit more on BM. Oh well.

That and I'm surprised they didn't mention his Sinatra MTV shorts

See: live action Dragonball Z movie. This one will probably cast Justin Bieber as the main character.

I thought we established that with the Christmas themed back to back hatesongs

Less…thinking 14.99

Yeah his coolness came from his charming romance/relationship with Rogue for me

Stephen Dorff would beg to differ. He's gotta put food on his lonesome table somehow.

I still like dreampop although, dreampop? Huh?

What happened to APC's comeback? That whole big tour and played two nights in Seattle both of which I missed and then….nothing.

I would actually watch this

But almost all his performances are unconvincing. Except Fear maybe.

Joss Whedon thinks so

The whole neighborhood of Capitol hill in Seattle just started itching and they don't know why

Only if Heston played Uncle Ben

You're right about strongly. When I worked at a theater my co workers and I wondered why not that many people were paying to see the last Bourne movie. We watched it one day after work and found out why.

And he was supposed to past the torch to Renner. The second time Renner's got the multi million franchise rug yanked from under him. But honestly he can't carry pop franchises like Damon and Cruise. And after his extreme-bro behavior to get rid of gay rumors I don't want him to.

My thoughts exactly. It's obvious he partakes in the celebrity pleasures of botox.

Cruise most definitely doesnt look thirty. He looks mid forties at the most.