Vince Clortho

No, Figwit is the elf sitting next to Frodo at the Council of Elrond. 'Figwit' is actually an acronym for "Frodo Is Great, Who Is That?!"

Anybody who can bring down the entire house with two perfectly deadpan words deserves to have their name inscribed in the histories.

She's amazing in TOOTSIE.

She's almost 24. The days of her playing a 12 year old are pretty safely behind her.

Not a 12-14 year old, no.

"The Wrap notes she also may replace Amanda Seyfried in post-apocalyptic thriller Z For Zachariah, in which a woman who believes she's the last survivor of a nuclear holocaust discovers she's not alone after all."

By pure virtue of definition it's silly to call any first act story points a "spoiler".

Now when this wins over "Amen" from All Is Lost—that'll be a REAL controversy. In my head, anyway.

Lebowski was a slow burn on its path to mega-cult classic, and in 2000 it was two years old and not there yet. Fargo was a success, but it hadn't made them household names. O Brother didn't make them household names on its own, but after that film I could say "the guys who did O Brother" and get at least a nod of

It's a little strange to hear it called underrated, since I always took it as their first real steps toward entering the public consciousness. It was their biggest hit at the time, and the soundtrack immediately entered the public lexicon.

Few people did, since it was a humungous bomb upon release.

Of Demme's two remakes of classic suspense films from the 60s, this is at least better than the dreadful THE TRUTH ABOUT CHARLIE, the film that taught us the obvious lesson that Mark Whalburg is no Cary Grant.

It's less that it was just about white people, and more that the story spends all its time focusing on white people during a tragedy that killed 200,000 non-white people and displaced nearly 2 million more.

Those Hollywood gift baskets that mysteriously arrive on Academy members' doorsteps—next to, totally by chance, a screener of whatever movie they're desperately trying to get nominated—don't come without strings.

This version was never released in theatres; the farthest it got was a test screening early on in post-production.

I played that game for five or six years and never got out of Mos Eisley. Empire was better—I at least made it to Cloud City!—and Jedi was just ridiculous.

Bruce Willis watching Vertigo in Twelve Monkeys.

Or that it takes them two days to get from Humble to Sugarland.

Also in the world of music, the cough during the intro to Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here was David Gilmour's, who was a heavy smoker at the time. When he heard himself on the playback he became disgusted and resolved to quit smoking.