If you check imdb Richie is in next week's episode even if he's not in the promo.
If you check imdb Richie is in next week's episode even if he's not in the promo.
Then by your definition of "douchey-ness" Patrick is a douche for telling Richie about hooking up with Kevin while he and Richie were still together. Does this mean that Patrick is not a good person? Patrick told Richie not to make him feel better but to make himself feel better. Being honest in situations like that…
And Meredith did go to HR and Patrick and Kevin laughed it off.
I'm interested in seeing how salvageable their friendship even is in episode 10 since I don't think we'll see Richie in episode 9.
I totally agree re: Richie & Brady talking about Patrick & Kevin.
"Patrick has had pretty much nothing but nice things to say about Brady…"
I never said that Kevin wants to get back together with Jon. I said that we don't know who broke up with whom and if Jon broke up with Kevin that would problematic.
Well, we don't actually know if Kevin broke up with Jon or if it was the other way around. That's how I interpret "consolation" prize. Patrick was upset that Kevin couldn't or wouldn't choose him and if Jon broke up with Kevin then that would mean that Patrick and Kevin are together by default regardless of how Kevin…
I knew someone who would say insensitive things but didn't think he was being insensitive because he was being honest. He didn't have the social where with all to couch what he was saying in a softer way.
If Patrick is self-correcting I think it more has to do with the fact that Richie told him that he wasn't ready when they broke up so now he is jumping in head first and going for it with Kevin.
Actually it was Patrick who moved too fast. Richie knew it but went a long because he liked him so much. Patrick was the one who first used the word "boyfriend" even though they weren't there yet. He couldn't fully commit to Richie - not emotionally.
In case you don't want to read the entire article (and it's not that long) basically the author says that the love triangle isn't about choosing between Richie and Kevin. It's about Patrick figuring out who he is and what he wants in a relationship and the love triangle is the vehicle that helps him on that path. I…
This is a good article that explains (or attempts to explain) the "love triangle" - its intentions, complexities, nuances, what it means for Patrick. I for one have been struggling to really understand it because I've been looking at it as a traditional love triangle which it isn't.
That's interesting because I see it the other way around. I understand Richie's feelings for Patrick. Richie after all was the one who was "this close to falling in love" with Patrick. Whereas Patrick obviously had strong feelings for Richie but I don't think they were love - at least not when they broke up. Richie is…
I know how you feel. I don't want to get caught up in team whomever either but I have. I'm team Richie but I don't like being team anyone. I went through three phases: denial of Patrick & Kevin, and then an inability to watch them, and then resignation (although I don't think they'll last).
Well, the only ratings that we've seen are the live ratings and Haigh said during the panel, when someone in the audience asked about ratings, that their audience doesn't watch Looking live on TV.
I think it's a bit of both. I think the creators love the character of Kevin and the Patrick/Kevin storyline but I'm not sure if they've overestimated his popularity with fans. On the flip side I think they have really underestimated the popularity of Richie. I watched the Paley Centre panel and Michael Lannan said…
Oh I realize the reason behind the jackets but they still look lame.
Yes and yes. When Patrick and Kevin tell Richie and Brady that they are a couple it was awkward and almost unconvincing. It was like they were unsure themselves. That doesn't bode well.
I noticed too that Richie didn't leave. I assumed that when Richie was standing in the doorway that the party was still going somewhat strong as you could see people still dancing. But as the camera moved into the living room you see that it's only the core group, Doris & Malik, Agustin & Eddie, plus Brady & Kaia. I…