
Also, if you want to take over without a fight, step one should be to show up in forms that the natives find beautiful, appealing, and virtuous looking, not hideously ugly, overtly evil looking ones.

They specifically emphasize that the Doctor is all about free will in this episode, and then he has basically nothing to say about the fact that Bill took away free will from the entire Earth. Not the best script.

She chose to save one person she had known for a few months over billions, on the vague idea that, hey, maybe everything would work out OK in the end. I think that's pretty monstrous honestly.

I don't get how such a negative review results in a B-.

I strongly suspect it will. I do not think anything big or dramatic will happen in the finale, or that anything will be truly resolved.

I'm not entirely convinced that we know anything about the characters at the end of this season that we didn't know already at the end of season 4.

Nobody knew just how complicated and difficult being the president could be.

That's no Super Nintendo…that's a Playstation!

"Best exhibited by its very extra opening sequence"
"The callback to Will Gardner’s death in the hospital scene is overly manipulative and a little too extra"

Seth MacFarlane is definitely my go-to expert on talentless, unfunny, thin-skinned successful people who don't deserve to be successful.

When are you going to stop covering Mr. Robot?

I'm surprised the AV Club is still covering this show. I thought the plan was to stop covering any of them and just post more Great Job, Internet! articles.

Yeah, nobody from my grad school has gotten a full time job as a professor in the last 5 or 6 years. And likewise, you often have to move to some tiny college town nobody has ever heard of with a school nobody has ever heard of even if you DO get a job.

The biggest eye-opener for me was comparing UK Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares to the US one.

Bloody beaker people! What's wrong with just licking water out of your hands like a cat?!

I feel for journalists. Their travails are somewhat similar to my own in my struggle to become a full time professor, a job which is in its death throes as everything is farmed out to contract workers. We're not alone, and we certainly won't be the last as everything is fed to the "Gig Economy" monster.

I wonder who Dany, with her bleached hair, total lack of political experience, self-entitlement, and her followers blind faith in her amazingness despite a lack of any evidence for said amazingness, is supposed to be?

Leaving aside the issue of such digressions in a novel, I agree that attitudes towards Napoleon are fascinating. It's true that when you grow up in the winning side (as, being British, I did), you get the pretty clear view that Napoleon was a villain. But many Europeans have, and I think still do, ambivalent

Not one mention of Buridan's Ass? Not one?

Les Miserables is one of the few books that I actively recommend people read an abridged version of. Nobody needs hundreds of pages of Hugo whining about how the English defeated his hero, tyrant Napoleon.