Roseanne Roseannadanna

Don't worry, I think you'll still get your chance. I thought I read sometime ago that when it was pulled from the theaters, Chu somehow managed to get Netflix on board with streaming it. But that was a couple of months ago and I haven't heard about it since, so, perhaps just a rumor. (Secretly I hope it's true,

I still don't understand how Chu could let Hollywood completely deviate from the whole Jem cartoon in the first place. We were given lots of 80s throwback movies that stayed pretty much close to the cartoons in the Transformers franchise and (ok, somewhat) GI Joe movies. But Jem…nooooo, we can't have that now, can

My mom loves Tom Selleck and she grew up watching the black and white Westerns of the 50s and 60s. She's the one that got me hooked.

Could have been timing for when it came out…I seem to recall a short period in the late 80s/early 90s where there was a revival for Westerns. It was either hit or miss.

Tom Selleck was in a few westerns and all that I've seen him in, I've liked. He definitely has an "old Hollywood glamour" vibe about him which is why I think he fits in so well for those types of movies. Quiqley came out when there was sort of a revival for Westerns. I even think the score sampled some of the music

I was in junior high and we were also learning about England's feudal system. Our teacher, being as cool as he was, found it the perfect opportunity to incorporate us watching the movie in class because he felt it to be historically accurate from certain aspects. He also used "Last of the Mohicans" as a teaching

I am disappointed that no one seems to remember he was in "Quigley Down Under" opposite of Tom Selleck. One of the first movies I ever saw him in and I still love it to this day.

Was just commenting to a friend that the song almost seemed prophetic in light of the news of his passing.

Bowie's a hell of drug.

Apparently when he was my age, he starred in a BBC special presentation of "Baal". Accompanied with this tidbit is an embedded Youtube link to the whole presentation and it looks absolutely glorious. Welp, I know what I'm doing this weekend.


Actually, I really like a lot of Madonna's tracks from her early career. Granted, my hate for her version of this song may be partly due to the fact that it seems to be one of the 100 same tracks played on holiday stations every single year but I grew up listening to Eartha Kitt's version and it just doesn't hold a

I actually did make a point to listen to "Shake it Off" so I could finally see what all the fuss was about. I couldn't even make it through the whole song.

I've made it a point not to listen to anything Taylor Swift-Christmas ever since I had to endure her version of "Last Christmas." (For the record, I hate the original version too.)

My god, yes. I get some Peter, Paul, and Mary vibes every time I hear it.

I've always like Eartha Kitt's version of "Santa Baby." She has a sultry, seductive voice. Madonna's sounds forced, like she purposely wanted to come off like a cheap, tarted up version you'd get out of a semi-drunk hooker trying to hang onto their youth. It is unfortunate that stations in my area seem to feel this

Ah, that was Gilda's character, Emily Litella. Rosanne Roseannadanna always said "It's always something!" and her ability to overshare details of a situation she was in.

Is this the part where I ask you if you even read the article and had some comprehension of what the author was trying to say?

I guess if believing that most SNL sketches containing this kind of "humor" are pokes at social gaffes instead of just poorly written jokes by men with the maturity level of a prepubescent boy makes them more acceptable to watch…more power to you.

Well considering that the voice characters for Yoda and Grover are one in the same, I would say you're probably right.