Right, exactly. I didn't like the ending of LOST. In fact, I probably reacted with the same amount of knee-jerk anger that many people are reacting with over this, but I was just looking for the ending I felt I "deserved".
Right, exactly. I didn't like the ending of LOST. In fact, I probably reacted with the same amount of knee-jerk anger that many people are reacting with over this, but I was just looking for the ending I felt I "deserved".
To be fair though, that work schedule was exactly what Robin had always wanted…
Yeah. I fully admit that it wasn't the best way the show could have gone out with, but I've made my peace with the way that it had.
I don't know, I still find the series finale ok. They told the ending they want to tell, not necessarily what the fans wanted them to tell, and I guess I can respect that.
Wow these really are the days of our lives…
I am really going to miss this show when it's gone tonight. It wasn't always the best (especially not towards the end), and sometimes I couldn't remember why I stuck with it, but this is the longest that I've ever watched a show, week to week.
Thanks for linking to that blog post! Great read.
All the talk of terrible tutorials last week has me replaying Final Fantasy XII for the nth time. Still great. Still waiting on that remake.
Lets talk favourite trailers? Besides the ones mentioned in the article, I'd have to go with Magnolia and Cloud Atlas.
From Justin to Kelly
Here's a nice cake for you.Your whole family is in the other room, ready to celebrate your birthday.
Maybe this isn't going to load for anyone, ever. Maybe April Fools Day comes early in Westeros.
Should I, though? As in, is it worth it on any sort of literary level, or only because I'm a fan of the series?
OMG I thought this said "Prince Henry, voiced by actor Alexander Skarsgard…"
Yeah that's what I was thinking too. If another movie happens down the line the audience will expect that something happened in the interim. After all, Piz and Veronica were engaged in this one without a single book tie-in.
They'll probably be doing that for the rest of the books.
Captain, you have to listen to me. This is good tittle tattle.
So good. Peralta's slow motion dance transitioning to a regular motion dance sans music was amazing.
This episode made me feel…(I want to say C- to complete the joke but…) crocodile for sure.