
Yeah but she kind of relegated him to the sidelines. She didn't reciprocate his feelings so she made him an accessory, to provide her with what she wanted when she wanted it.

Show advanced to this whole other level. Amazing stuff.

To be fair, Buffy was just as intolerable in that relationship.

And Eliza plays SMG's Buffy so perfectly too! I don't know how Joss conjures these performances, but he knows his actors and writes so well for them. What's a stevedore?

I still hold that Xander subconsciously provoked Buffy/Angel drama.

As first seasons go, Buffy season 1 wasn't as bad as all that. Obviously it looks horrible seated next to the phenomenal season 2.

Riley sucks, but for a fan community divided by the Spuffy/Bangel feud, it's nice to have one love interest to agree on.

Between Hush and Restless, Joss Whedon's lack of Emmy for writing just breaks my poor little fangirl heart.

She's safer in Frank Underwood's world than Jax Teller's.

How about her role in Sons of Anarchy, huh? So complex and challenging! Easily the performance of her career.

and yet I still watch It's Always Sunny

That's my bet for the next episode. Juice stews in his decision and ultimately decides to kill himself.

Gemma deserves a bullet, but if she gets taken out by Juice before Jax learns of her betrayal and has the opportunity to confront her, we're all cheated.

there is a special bitchface for men who whine of friendzoning

His character on Masters of Sex was certainly good practice.

I always saw Tara as the Ophelia of this story. Girl went cray and died a watery death.

Cut her some slack, Jack!

Applying these "wish-fulfillment" standards to POC/female showrunners is important, because the same (equally defensible) claims are never made against white male showrunners, who represent the majority.

Shonda Rhimes has 3 back-to-back primetime network shows, she pretty much owns ABC on Thursdays, so yeah, I guess you could say she's still a thing.

I feel like the Times doesn't take television that seriously. Considering how it's excelling film as an artistic medium, they should show more respect.