Frank Castle

I doubt he's having illusions.

Where was Elliots girlfriend at his bosses party?

Racists! quick get Al Sharpton on the phone ASAP!

He's not even funny.

Where's Crank 3 at?

How about the manimest super hero? He kills feminists!

Imagine a movie is basically a green screen box with CGI. One hour same set different CGI angles.

CGI has destroyed movies. Old ones with props still looked better. You can tell CGI easily now. Hollywood isn't fooling anyone.

A third one? or is this the fourth? Wow marvel sure are greedy aren't they?

Fury road wasn't bad. Nothing beats the original.

How about one called the "brown" lantern for diversity.

I'm tired of reboots. Hollywood is becoming like the gaming industry. No new ideas,mediocre quality and bad acting.

The fantastic flop. Talk about a box office bomb even before it hits theaters.

hahahah yeah.


No but KOTH was a great show. It taught values and morals.

Well Family Guy is terrible and it never was funny to begin with.

Yeah I mean they're all the same age from like what 1989! the same with Family guy simce 1999. Why can't they age animated characters?

The Simpsons is long overdue for cancellation. It has gone down since the early 2000's. Fox canceled Futurama and keept Family Guy and The Simpsons? Wtf is wrong with them.

Don't believe me? Ok troll.