
I see what you're saying, but at the end of the day - you've got to remember that Brian and Stewie are still Family Guy characters, and they too are affected by the dreadful writing (at times). But what sets them apart? Their ability to have natural-sounding character interaction, and have a convincing close

There was really only one segment that was consistently good, that was the Brian and Stewie. The others were one and off, and the ending, with Meg hanging herself was just unnecessary. This episode didn't deserve a B.

"Stewie's conversations with Brian…were the only moments that actually clicked."

Brian's terrible treatment at the hands of the writers? On the contrary! Tonight Brian was given the best role. Him and Stewie's segment about Red Riding Hood was easily the best. I loved Brian's sort-of exasperated reaction to having to be "violently bisected by the woodsman".

It wouldn't just be Stewie and Brian though! If they had their own show, they'd develop their characters even further with NEW supporting characters. They would meet new guys, and develop their already awesome relationship! It'd be like the Cleveland show (but 100 times better)

It's still awful how many episodes are focussing on Peter and Quagmire. They're always the same and not really that funny.

Yes but Joey was only popular because he was the funniest character. Brian and Stewie's popularity doesn't stem from cheap humor, it's about their status as the only Family guy characters who can produce genuinely great episodes and dynamic stories.

The Brian douche thing is just part of his character. It wa quite a funny moment, with Brian being pompous and then Peter reminding him of his dog behaviour a second later.

There is actually a Brian and Stewie story in next weeks episode (the bad wolf bit).

Well, the only great thing about this episode, was seeing Brian back in his rightful place, as a permanent character. The douche-writer joke was funny, especially when t was tied with the line about Brian taking ages to eat the meat of the floor.