
In a weird, weird way, I think Harmon's firing may have benefited Community in the long run. The show feels a lot more re-energized than most sitcoms in their 5th seasons. If Harmon had just stayed on after Season 3, they'd probably be coasting by now.

The darkness lying under the quirky surface is one of the biggest things that Season 4 missed, so I'm glad to see it back.

It's the new year, where are my notifications and community grades?!?!

I liked it. Well, mostly only the scene with Jeff's dad. But I give them props for handling that subject well enough that it didn't make me angry.

The finale is the absolute worst episode of the season and entire series, so if you're only going to watch a few S4 eps, save yourself the trouble and skip that one. The only thing you need to know is that Jeff graduates. The rest of the episode is a dream sequence and therefore has no bearing on the shows' canon.

I thought their break-up was handled well. It felt like it took place in an alternative universe where their relationship ever had any dramatic impact at all, though.

I haven't revisited Season 4 yet. I remember the Halloween episode was pretty bad for Troy though.

Basic Human Anatomy is a pretty good episode. I don't like the Britta/Troy thing so it doesn't work as emotional closure to that arc for me, but it's still enjoyable and utilizes its concept pretty well.

I agree that Season 3 had some issues with characterization, but I completely disagree with the notion that Season 4 fixed them. My biggest problem with S4 was that it was really not concerned with the characters at all. It reverted them back to cartoonish versions of the stock types they began the show as. Jeff,

"it redeems most of the characters after what Season 3 did them"

Happy Endings seems like the type of show that could catch on post-death, AD style.

Happy Endings. Marathon on VH1 right now!

"We're here today to celebrate the life of Tyler. He was a huge racist, and an even huger friend."


I would only watch it if you're a completest. There's some decent episodes but you wouldn't be missing anything essential at all if you skipped it. All you need to know is that Jeff graduated.

Somewhat related but I am really enjoying the marathon on VH1 right now.

Why does everyone forget that Anthropology 101 is fucking fantastic?

The show was really building Rich up as the anti-Jeff at one point, but they completely dropped it after Asian Population Studies. It was an interesting dynamic that never quite reached its full potential.

I like Slater, but I think she's the perfect example of this. I cannot imagine her at all in like…Season 3.

The world is a shitty, shitty place.