
Surely this is just to wet our appetites for the millennial Fuller House/Girl Meets World-esque reboot

Season 5? Weird, I don't recall a season 4…

(lights candle for Happy Endings)

I live in Ohio and hear them on the radio all the damn time.

What?! No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MTV has already drafted her 16 and pregnant contract.

The hipster bar in college always used to play Kids after last call…I can't listen to that song without tasting PBR and regret

Coincidently, baby boomer egos have also literally destroyed our planet and our future, so there's also that.

And Jack Black still walks the streets a free man…

Work? Be careful not to choke on your aspirations.

I would mostly agree, especially for Phantom Menace, but man, the first hour and a half of Clones is hot garbage.

Today I didn't even have to use my AK. I gotta say it was a Good Friday.

Did they write season 2 of True Detective during the impending writer's strike and somehow Lakehouse the scripts back to 2015?

I rewatched all the Craig Bond films recently, and Quantum starts off fine but seems to abandon its story halfway through and pick up some random plot in Bolivia.

I like that the background Alexandrians have remained consistent over three seasons. It always bothered me on lost that they switched up the extra castaways every season.

And Jared Leto is still in perfect health…

Avengers 4: Everything's coming up Ant-Man!

So Ben Affleck as the new Wolverine in Dark Phoenix?

It looked like for awhile they were moving forward, but sadly not anymore.

Fishbourne was inspired casting as was Reeves. I know at one point they considered Sean Connery for Morpheus and Will Smith for Neo.